

Depending on the season we have different types of honey available. Just drop a mail on availability to vindfloy@posteo.no. We offer:

  • 125 g // 50 NOK

  • 250 g // 90 NOK

  • 500 g // 160 NOK

You can pick up your order at our pickupbox at Claus Frimanns gt 1b, 5 min from Torgallmenningen, any time 24/7.

Thanks for supporting local food production in Bergen!


The three apiaries at Christinegård in Sandviken, on the Grieghallen rooftop and at the Viking Church in Fantoft produce local neighbourhood honey with unique tastes. Each depends on the specific flora within the 3km flight radius around the hives and varies from year to year and from location to location.

We harvest honey twice a year to capture the destinctive tastes of spring and summer.

Spring honey is usually made from the bloom of early flowers, fruit trees, maple trees, raspberries and a variety of flowers from parks and gardens all over Bergen.

The Bergen summer honey is generally  dominated  by Lindentrees and Fireweed. However, the specific composition and taste changes from year to year depending on the season and weather conditions.

Taste the flavour of your neighbourhood!




The honeyframes from each location are harvested and extracted separately. Honey consists of sugar (a sucrose-, sacrose-, fructose- mix), water, vitamins, enzymes, pollen, minerals and amino acids. In order to preserve the full potential of all the active ingredients in raw honey, we do not heat or treat it in any other way within the process. The result is local, fresh raw honey just as the bees eat it.


The honey from the different neighboorhoods is jarred into individual glasses and distributed straight to our customers.

If you are interested in local Bergen honey drop us a mial or follow the news section for updates on markets. We are happy to hear from you!

Tusen takk!

Vi vil gjerne takke alle våre samarbeidspartnere som gir biene våre et hjem.



Grieghallen has been supportive from the start and hosts hives on their rooftop where the bees produce our downtown Bergen Honey. Pick up a jar at your next visit to the concert hall!



Christinegård Hovedgård has been enthusiastic about bees from the start and helped us out with their backyard to host some hives that produce our Sandviken neighbourhood honey.



The Fantoft bees have been home to the forest around the Viking Church in Prototechs backyard since 2013.